Spiritual Videos

Course 2 of Inner Journey to Self Discovery – Part 2/5

Video Description

A Course on the Special Module on Civilisation – II : Inner Journey to Self-Discovery

The 2nd online course on ‘Exploring Consciousness, Inner Journey to Self-Discovery’ was conducted by Sri M for the students and staff of IIT Delhi during the months of April and May 2021

Sri M begins the session with the main topic of ‘Consciousness’. He differentiates between the states of consciousness as conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious and says that unconscious would better be termed and explained as Superconscious.

He elaborates on the explanation of the term consciousness both according to the Yoga Sutras of Pathanjali and Vedanta. “Patanjali refers to the highest state of consciousness as Kaivalya while in Vedanta it is called Moksha”. He also speaks about the eight angas of Ashtanga Yoga and more in detail about the states of consciousness as explained in Vedanta.

This is followed by a Q&A session with the staff and students of IIT Delhi.

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