Lord Mangal, one of the nine planets or Navagraha, is also known as Planet mangal or Planet mars. This planet is red in color and also known as Kuja and Angaraka (one who is red in color’) or Bhauma (‘son of Bhumi’) in Sanskrit. Astrologically it is a cruel planet. This planet affects the person to suffer from accidents, robbery, attack, or imprisonment. One can wear red to help deflect the effects of this planet. Worshiping the Lord Mangal one gets frees from skin illnesses, debts, and poverty. Day of Lord Mangal is Tuesday and gemstone is red coral. He is known as the god of war and celibate together with guardian of south direction. He has four-armed, carrying a ‘trident”, mace, ‘lotus’ and a ‘spear’ while his Vahana is a ram. Lord mangal is well known as the owner of sun signs Aries and Scorpio.
Mars – Mangal is both feared and admired. his name in Hindi and Sanskrit is synonymous with the auspicious and blissful happiness. A common blessing is ‘ be ‘Mangalmaya’ or blessed with good fortune. Equally there is the Mangal-Dosh or Mars affliction which has to be warded off and guarded against, particularly in the selection of a suitable spouse.
Mars is pictured as being youthful, virile and muscular, amber eyed and martial, with a fiery and violent temperament, a flushed countenance and wearing red garments. He is also large hearted, generous and courageous and is the commander-in-chief of the planets. He is also the god of war and celibate. He is also referred to as Angarika ( one who is red and Bhauma ( son of Bhumi, the Earth). He likes meticulous organization. His steed or vehicle is the Ram.
The legend goes that Lord Shiva, ‘Devadidev’ – God of gods, wiping his brow cast beads of perspiration upon the Earth, thus creating the persona of a child. The Earth, Prithvi (Also Bhumi as terra) troubled by upheavals caused by quakes on account of demonic activity sought Shiva’s help to restore tranquillity. He then gave her the child arisen from his brow to rear and bring up, as a means of gaining equanimity and peace. When the child had grown to fine maturity under her maternal love and care she brought him back to Lord Shiva. Shiva then named the child Mangal, the auspicious one, and told her that she would now have to separate from him as her work was done and that his place was in the Zodiac from where his sterling qualities would help mankind in its evolution. He consoled Prithvi that she must not be anguished as Mangal would always be in the Zodiac visible to her. Shiva then commanded him to assume his place in the Mangal Lok or Martian world in the Zodiac which was even superior to the Shukra Lok the Venetian World.
Mars in Jyotish astrology is considered a malefic of the first order. But like other planets it is in fact an agent of ones Karma for ones ultimate spiritual evolution. The malefic effects are meant to cleanse us of our accumulated negativities. We are taught lessons through adversity. It is a paradox that we are apprehensive of an entity whose name signifies the auspicious. What is probably feared is what is due from ones accumulated Karma and wrong doing.
Mars is significator of strength, energy, siblings younger to oneself and things that emerge from the earth like property in the shape of buildings. He is also the significator of war, battle, soldiers, weapons, enemies, arguments and debates, athletics, beasts of prey, scientific, technical and mechanical abilities.The qualities he represents are strong will, unscrupulousness, self confidence, determination, brashness, enthusiasm, heroism, organizational skills, strong administrative abilities and an independent spirit, a passionate nature and generosity. Physically he represents virility, testicles, blood, bone marrow, muscles and the head.
What marriage councellers in India are particularly on the look out for is the placement of Mars in the horoscope. If it is in the first , fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth House of the Moon chart ( called the Janma Kundli – the Sign at birth is called the Lagna Kundli – to clarify the two, the birth chart shows the Zodiac Signs at birth in the 12 Houses of fortune – the Moon chart places the Sign in which the Moon occurs at birth in the first house and then rearranges the succeeding signs accordingly in the 12 houses – quite complcated – different charts are used for different aspects of ones life for a more focussed assessment) it is indicative of premature death of the spouse, divorce or an incompatible marriage, unless the spouse in question too is a ‘Manglik’ with Mars in one of those stigmatized Houses. This has high priority among Hindus and is one of the most frequent reasons for consulting astrologers and Pundits and for refusing offers of marriage which otherwise appear suitable on all counts. In all arranged marriages, and the majority in India are arranged, on account of Caste and class considerations, an exchange of horoscopes is mandatory to see if the charts are compatible or incompatible, particularly the issue of the placement of Mars. Some ‘Manglik’ girls remain unmarried because they cannot find a suitable spouse with compatible charts.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer. the Sun Moon and Jupiter are considered friendly to Mars for a Horoscope, Mercury is inimical and Venus and Saturn are neutral. The metal associated with Mars is brass, the gemstone is the red coral ( called Mangal among indian jewellers, in high demand and frequently worn to balance adverse Mars in the horoscopes ), his element is fire, his direction is the south and his season is summer.
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