Western Astrology

Libra Zodiac Sign


Air sign; ruled by Venus.
Balanced, seeks beauty, sense of justice.

Libra people tend to need balance in their lives like no other sign of the zodiac, which makes the symbol of the scales particularly appropriate for this sign. Libra people need to keep a balance between work lives and recreational lives and an equal balance in their emotional and spiritual/physical lives. Because of this need Libra signs can sometimes seem wishy-washy when they are asked to make a decision. This is because they must ‘weigh’ all of their options. However, rest assured, that when a Libra makes up their mind the decision is likely to be the best win/win for all involved; benefiting the most people. This sign does not like to see people unhappy.

Harmony and peace are key to making this sign happy. When things are balanced, then there is harmony. This sign is often charming and people like to be around them and the only time that they will become unhappy is when they perceive that they have been treated unfairly. This sign does really well to embrace some form of meditation as it allows them to find that internal balance that will allow the outer balance to manifest itself. Most Libra enjoy physical exercise that involves some mental component, such as long distance running, or yoga. Many run marathons.

Upside: Libra all have a sense of fair play about them and become completely upset if they perceive that something is unfair or unjust. They are prone to talking for long periods of time about their favorite subjects. Generally the decisions that a Libra makes are the ones that will benefit the most people. Libra are often self-sacrificing for the good of the team or the family.

Downside: Because Libra take so long to make decisions it can be perceived as laziness, or absent- mindedness. Libra, because of their sense of justice and fair play, will often become argumentative to the exclusion of decorum or appropriateness. Libra don’t like to be in charge, but they like to have a say and to be heard.

Libra is an air sign, like Gemini and Aquarius.

Other Western Zodiac Signs


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