Western Astrology

Cancer or Crab Zodiac Sign


A water sign; ruled by the Moon.
Emotional, group oriented, seeks security, family.

The crab symbolizes this sign for good reason. Just as the crab carries its own shell on its back, so too, does the typical cancerian…so to speak. The typical cancer person is all about home and family and is very dedicated and loyal to friends and family. Crabs often move sideways instead of moving in a straight line, and so will the person of this sign. Often, if it will avoid a fight, or achieve the goal, then moving in alternative directions to arrive at the destination is typical. They tend to grasp and hold tightly those things that make them happy, and never let go. The key characteristic of this sign is that Cancer people need to be needed. They need to know that they matter to someone and that they are secure in that love. Brave, courageous, protective, all describe the best possible traits of this sign. Shy, reserved, brooding, and moody, do not serve the cancer person well, but may surface if their needs are not being met

Cancer is a water sign which means that they have a deep, mysterious side to them that can also be gentle and nurturing.

Upside: Cancer have an offbeat sense of humor, often finding something humorous that others don’t. They are extremely good listeners and have a heart for the problems of others. In fact, many gravitate toward this sign because they intuitively know that a Cancer will understand. When a Cancer becomes your friend you can be sure that they are truly your friend and will not consider using someone to their own benefit. Cancer tend to be dependable and reliable. They will tell you anything you want to know about them without blinking an eye as they are drawn to honesty in others as well as themselves.

Downside: This sign can be moody, clingy, and often become incredibly insecure if they feel that they are about to lose the friendship or love of someone close to them. If the situation calls for it, they will lie, but often this dishonesty stems from a deep insecurity about being alone.

Scorpio and Pisces are also water signs.


Other Western Zodiac Signs


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